Clever Connections Childcare
Emergency Proceedures
In the event of a medical emergency, fire, earthquake or other natural disaster, we will take immediate steps to ensure your child’s safety and will contact you as quickly as possible. It may be that we will need to call you by cell phone–please be sure to keep us updated should your emergency numbers or insurance information change.

In the event a child becomes injured while at daycare, we will administer first aid to the child and then call, text, or email the parent per their preference depending on severity to advise of the situation. An injury report will be written up, signed by the providers and the parent, and a copy kept in the child’s file.
Medical Emergencies
In the event that a medical emergency occurs while your child is at daycare, we will administer first aid and if needed, call 911 to have an ambulance dispatched, and then we will call to notify the parent of the medical emergency. If the child would need to be transported to the hospital, we will send the Emergency Medical Authorization form from your child’s file with the ambulance personnel.
In the event of a fire, our meeting place is located in the neighbor's backyard driveway to the south of daycare. I will call 911 and each of the parents immediately. Fire drills are practiced each month on the 7th or the following Monday if the 7th falls on a weekend.
In the event of a tornado, we will go to the basement. Tornado drills are practiced each month on the 14th or the following Monday if the 14th falls on a weekend.
Other Emergencies
Such as a blizzard, flood, power outage, or loss of water due to a water main break will be handled using a plan that fits at the time. A blizzard that strikes suddenly and makes driving impossible could mean that any child in attendance would be kept overnight for a fee equal to the current daily rate at the time of the event. Depending on how widespread and devastating a flood would be, child care may or may not be available. Power outages or loss of water would make caring for children unsafe and impossible so that child care would be closed until power was resumed or water service restored.
Lost Child
As your child care provider, we take the responsibility you have placed in us caring for your child, very seriously. We take great precautions for the safety of each child in my program. If a child would become missing while in our care:
1) The children and provider(s) as a group would look for the child around the immediate area to be certain the child is not hiding
2) 911 would be called and given information necessary to identify the lost child
3) Parent would be called and notified of the situation.
Sick Children
There are sick policies in place to protect your child, other children and ourselves. Sickness can spread quickly among children and be very hard to get rid of once it starts. If both providers are unable to open due to a sickness or emergency, we will notify parents as soon as possible. This could mean the night before or at 6:30 a.m.
Stay Home When Illness Strikes!
Should your child develop a fever of 101 degrees while at child care, you will be notified by phone and expected to make arrangements to have the child picked up within 1 hour by yourself or someone on the Authorized Persons form in your child‘s file at child care. If we do not reach you directly, we leave a voice message and send a text or an email that your child needs to be picked up from child care within the hour. We will not administer any fever reducing medication to your child without your permission as this may affect your child’s diagnosis at the doctor’s office. The child will be kept separate from the rest of the children while they are waiting to be picked up.
Children cannot attend if one or more of the following conditions exist:
a) The child has an illness that prevents child from participating comfortably in activities as determined by the child care provider.
b) The illness results in greater need for care than the child care provider can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children as determined by the child care provider.
c) If a child has any of the following symptoms:
**Fever of 101 degrees or higher with or without being accompanied by behavior changes such as lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable irritability or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other signs unusual for the child.
**Vomiting- any episodes in the previous 24 hours.
**Diarrhea – defined as watery stools that cannot be contained in the diaper or inability to hold until they get to the toilet.
**Pink eye – 24 hours after first dose of medication. Chicken pox – until all sores have dried and crusted (usually 6 days).
**Skin rash other that diaper rash or prickly heat-child must be seen by a physician and cannot return without documentation indicating it is not a communicable disease.
**Strep throat – until 24 hours after initial antibiotic treatment AND cessation of fever
**Any other communicable disease-See attached Guide to Childhood Illness for more common childhood illnesses and guidelines.
** Lice – child may return after first treatment and lice and nits have been removed. Child will not be permitted to attend child care until 24 hours AFTER the last incidence of fever (without medication), vomiting, diarrhea, on antibiotics for 24 hours or until a physician provides documentation stating they are well enough to return to child care.
First Aid Kits
We have two fully stocked first aid kits that are restocked after each incident and checked periodically for expired product. One first aid kit is located in the bathroom closet. The second kit is taken with us on all walking trips or when transporting in the van, along with copies of emergency medical information and parent contact information on each child.
Fire Extinguishers & Smoke Detectors
We have a fire extinguishers available in case of emergency. The extinguisher is in the kitchen under the sink. Smoke detectors are located in every room, including the kitchen and at the top of the stairs.
Transporting Children
At times, we may plan a field trip and it may be necessary for me to transport your child by car. A permission form is provided upon enrollment. All traffic and safety laws will be followed.
By signing the contract you allow me permission to take your children to necessary appointments and errands. We do our best to notify you ahead of time. If parents prefer a car seat other than the one that we provide, you must provide one to keep at my home.
We take walks often. Non walkers and very young will ride in the double stroller or umbrella stroller and pushed by provider. we have a loop lead with handles for every child to hang onto, that prefers to walk instead of ride in a stroller. we will be to the front and rear of the group to ensure everyone is following safety rules. Children are closely supervised at all times during our excursions ensure everyone’s safety. A signed permission form (included in your enrollment packet), will need to be signed. A fully stocked first aid kit accompanies us on all walks and field trips. We do have liability insurance for the daycare as well as additional coverage when transporting daycare children in my vehicle. I can be reached on my cell phone 515-867-9883 when we are away from home.