Clever Connections Childcare
I respect each child’s individual personality and temperament and their ability to question, grow, and develop at their own pace. I do not use competition, comparison, criticism, humiliation, shame, ridicule, or corporal punishment.
Children are taught simple rules and manners that are easily understood. I feel that what is most important is encouraging self esteem and competence in children by giving them the freedom and responsibility to listen and negotiate with each other. I emphasize the use of problem solving as a method for guiding children’s behavior. I do this by using techniques such as active listening, negotiation, and I-messages to help children learn to develop an internal locus of control. When conflicts do happen, I will guide the children through their problem solving by hearing both sides of the story and both asking for and offering suggestions.
I believe the most effective ways of encouraging positive behaviors are through praise, respect, re-direction, and positive re-enforcement. I try to get children involved in their own problem solving. During conflict, it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved, important, and special. They need to know that I am always available to listen and help, not to judge. My goal is to coach the children so they can negotiate compromise, brainstorm and work it out together.
Older children will be given time outs depending on the severity of the offense (almost always 1 minute per year of age, never to be more than 10 minutes). If a child becomes a persistent behavior problem, I will address it with you and we will try to resolve it together.
Guidance and Discipline

Behavioral Issues
I understand and accept all emotions, but I am firm about which behaviors are acceptable. I do not allow children to hurt each other, themselves, or the environment. I mean what I say and I follow through with my word. I don’t do anything for a child that they can do for themselves. I don’t give in to whining, crying, and coaxing even though it may be “easier”. I realize that becoming a capable person is a difficult but rewarding process. I use natural and logical consequences that fit the behavior.


As a child care professional, I will have information in records or personal knowledge concerning your child’s skills and abilities as well as family situations. I respect the position I am in and the importance of keeping your private information confidential. Please remember that I will handle all situations to the best of my ability and problems will be addressed in the proper manner.
Policies Handbook
Release of Children
Children will only be released to whom is listed on their release form. Parent, guardians, and those indicated on your intake record are the only ones authorized to remove your child from my care. If a friend or relative other than those indicated on your record will be picking up your child, you must contact me either in person or by phone before they are allowed to do so. As a parent you may add additional people to this form at any time.
Under the Influence
If you (or authorized person) arrive to pick up your child and show obvious signs of intoxication/drug use or other medical condition that puts the child leaving with you (or authorized person) at risk, I will ask to phone someone from your call list to pick your child up. Be advised that refusal to allow an alternate person to pick up your child will result in a 911 call to the Polk County Sheriff’s Department when your child leaves the property. Legally I cannot keep your child from you, but I have a responsibility to you, your child and as a mandatory reporter to keep your child safe.
Open Door Policy
You are welcome to visit your child at any time during their day at child care. Please keep in mind that nap/rest time typically happens between 12:00 and 3:00 each day.
Parent Conferences
Along with short informal daily conversations between parents and myself, I am willing to meet upon request outside of the normal childcare day to discuss any other questions or concerns you may have.