Clever Connections Childcare
I am required by the State of Iowa to keep a file for each child enrolled in my program. All forms must be completed and turned in to me before your child’s first day at Ms. Shawn’s House. Each child is required by the State of Iowa to have the following completed forms on file:
Enrollment Information form
Child Health Exam Record
Immunization Card
Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization
Authorized Persons form
Excursion and Activity Permission
These forms are required for all children, and are required to be updated annually. I am required to have these forms for your child’s well-being and protection as well as my own. At annual physicals, dental visits and after new immunizations, please ask for an updated copy of the immunization card, copy of the physical or a statement of oral health for your child’s file.
Additional forms that I require at the time of enrollment are:
Confidentiality Form
Parent/ Provider Contract
Agreement of Policies Form
Permission to Photograph
Permission for Water Play
Consent for Non-Prescription Medications and creams
Child Files

Under-Immunized Children
If immunizations are not to be administered because of a medical condition, a statement from the child’s healthcare provider documenting the reason why the child is exempt from the immunization requirement must be in the child’s file prior to the first day of care. If immunizations are not given due to parent’s religious beliefs, a waver signed by the parent’s must be in the child’s file prior to the first day of care. If a child who is not immunized is in care, the parents will be notified of the risk of the spread of preventable diseases.

Provider File

As your child care provider I am required to have a file on myself and any helpers who interact with the children. These files must contain an annual physical, TB test, and immunizations.
Policies Handbook
Hand washing
Hand Washing
I follow the proper hand washing technique as outlined by IDPH:
1) Turn on water and wet hands.
2) Apply liquid soap to hands.
3) Rub hands together vigorously for the time it takes to sing the ABC’s (palms, backs of hands and in between fingers).
4) Rinse until free of soap.
5) Dry hands with one time use towel.
6) Turn off water using towel.
7) Place used towel in a “dirty” basket to be washed.
I wash my hands before and after all meals/snacks are prepared, after diaper changes, after assisting in or using the restroom, after wiping noses, coming in from outdoors and eating, plus numerous other times throughout the day. Before children have learned the proper hand washing technique, I assist them with the washing of their hands.
Children wash their hands, with my assistance when needed, after using the restroom, after handling pets, and before and after receiving medication in addition to the previously mentioned situations.
Food Prep Areas
Cleaning and sanitizing of food preparation surfaces is done by washing with hot soapy water, rinsing and then spraying with bleach water, letting it stand for 2 minutes and then wiping with a paper towel.
Cleaning of Toys
I clean the toys in a solution of bleach water daily and rotate toys a minimum of every three weeks. Mouthed toys are removed from play immediately so as to prevent sharing of germs and washed by the 3 step washing method daily. Thermometers and similar objects are cleaned and reusable parts are sanitized between uses. Machine washable toys are laundered by machine washer & dryer two times a week or more often if needed.
Equipment Checks
I check all play equipment and toys at least monthly to ensure that they are safe for the children. In addition, I observe equipment and toys as children are climbing on or playing with to ensure safety. I visit to check for recalled items monthly.
Diaper Changing
Only disposable diapers are used unless the child has a medical condition that does not permit the use of disposable diapers. If your child cannot use disposable diapers for a medical reason, I must have a documented reason from the child’s healthcare provider.
Diaper changes only take place on the diaper changing station. All diapering supplies are kept here.
Diapers are disposed of
After hand washing for both the child and myself, I mist the changing surface with soap & water and wipe down surface with a paper towel. Then I mist the changing surface with bleach water (1 tsp bleach to 1 Cup water) and allow it to air dry.